Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is America Red or Blue?

Liberals will conclude that the landslide wins that the Dems have made indicate a mandate for Liberalism. That America, having voted in the past several elections to be a center-right nation, has now changed to a center-left one. True, the overwhelming story tonight is the significant gains for Democratic and Liberal sensibilities in virtually every office and demographic. Most would agree that this wave of "blueness," if you will, came as Obamania swept across the nation.

I contend that America is still center-right.

If we can give Obamania credit for bringing millions of new participants into the political process then we must look at how he did it - He presented himself as a center-RIGHT politician, running from his actual record every chance he got. In short, he made himself appear as America IS. He ran as a tax-cutter, as a bridge-building-across-the-aisle-reacher, a reasonable regulator. Isn't this a description of reddish America? So many new voters bought into the package of Obama as moderate, I wonder how they will react when they find out how liberal he really is. When he got off the teleprompter, the true Obama came out, the "spread it around" liberal, the San Francisco intillectual, so much more enlightened than the masses of regular folks who "cling... to their guns and religion."

I've made two political predictions that I am particularly proud of.
  • First, that the election of Bill Clinton in '92 would be very good for the Republican party. The Gingrich revolution was the result, as America showed little tolerance for a government where the House, Senate, and Presidency was controlled by one party.
  • Second, upon Obama's keynote at the '04 convention, I predicted his rise to national office, calling him a political superstar. I couldn't have been more accurate, although his meteoric rise was even faster than I thought it could be.

My next prediction: I believe that the '08 election will have much the same result as Clinton's win in '92. It will sting for the next 4 years, and America will be worse off in the short term. But when Obama is revealed for the tax-and-spend, ultra left-wing social liberal that he is, the true Conservative movement will ultimately benefit. The '10 mid-terms will begin to show this result, and by '12 the presidency and the senate will return to the Republicans. .

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