Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History Before Our Eyes

It is an amazing thing, an African American being elected POTUS. The Barack Obama story is the great American story at it's very best.

A truly historical day for America, Obama, and the Democrats. From segregated restrooms to a black POTUS in less than half a century. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X, Thurgood Marshall, Jackie Robinson, etc., etc., etc. are all smiling tonight. Defeating the Clinton machine, avoiding the pitfalls of Ayers et al., winning the presidency and pulling significant gains in the House and Senate along with him. In some ways America is greater today than it was yesterday.

I am, of course, disappointed in the result of this election, but immensely proud that our nation has officially moved beyond the tumult of the civil rights movement; that that we have elected a black man as our President in the so few years from when his father could not take basic human rights and dignity as a given. The issues that the great civil right leaders of the beginning to middle of the last century battled over - basic equal rights and dignity, simple equal protection under the law, voter intimidation, access to education and health care and the legal system - seem almost quaint today, don't they?

Like most winning campaigns, this election was won with an incredibly organized and disciplined campaign, some good timing and good fortune, but mostly on the strength of an immensely talented candidate. Congratulations to the Obama campaign. Please make America proud.

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