Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This train is bound for glory... Redux

Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates. This is change?

Gates, while maybe not a 180 degree turn from Obama's stated positions, is at least a 135 degree turn. Obama has railed against the Bush doctrine ad nauseum, but has retained the man responsible for the turnaround in Iraq, including the troop surge that he so vehemently detested. This implied endorsment of the Bush defense department's performance in Iraq will never be treated as such by the libs - instead it will be a "thoughtful selection based on his experience and expertise"

Barack Obama on Hillary:

March 2008: “What exactly is this foreign policy expertise? Was she negotiating treaties? Was she handling crises? The answer is no.”

January 2008: “It’s what’s wrong with politics today. Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected... She’ll say anything and change nothing.

Obama Campaign Statement in December 2007: An Obama White House would not need to take advice from “someone whose ideas were more in line with those of President George W. Bush” than with Obama’s. “Barack Obama doesn’t need lectures in political courage from someone who followed George Bush to war in Iraq.”

Many of these comments were made during that critical time in the primary contest where the Obamaniacs were in full anti-Hillary mode, calling for her to drop out of the race and accusing her of trying to destroy Obama by continuing the primary, despite the forgone conclusion that Obama had already won, in the hopes of destroying Dem hopes in 2008 for her chance to win in 2012.

December 2008: "She possesses an extraordinary intelligence and toughness, and a remarkable work ethic" He added that his new team must “pursue a new strategy that skillfully uses, balances, and integrates all elements of American power: our military and diplomacy, our intelligence and law enforcement, our economy and the power of our moral example."

Sounds to me like Obama is the one who will say anything to get elected.

And I haven't even gotten to Tom Dachle and Bill Richardson yet. Someone please explain to me how this is moving forward.